Just because I write about happily idiotic things doesn't mean I have an easy life. Just because I've a heading "Life blogger" doesn't mean the posts are what my life is all about.
In fact why am I even justifying what I write and what happens in my real life!
anyway, a blog is a blog is a blog. Gotta update it once in a while. Gotta fill up the space with some useless banter, try to be a little funny here and there and just wait for the comments to go up to 12 or something.Seriously, I thank all those who are kind enough to read the non-sense.
*lets out a deep sigh*
I specially thank Nunkuda, who I remember was the only reader I had back when I started this blog.
*wipes a tear*
Back then, I used to get only two comments per post. One would be Nunkuda, another would be me , answering him.
*blows her nose*
I have a bad cold.
anyhow, I just pray to Dear god, let not such a time come yet again, when I get only two comments per post.May I get at least 12 comments per post.
So back to what happened.
I ran away at the sight of a girl.
I am really scared of her.
She glares like as if she's going to eat you up.
One fine day, I stopped talking to her.
Not because I am scared of her though.
I don't like expressionless people.
She had nice eyes though.
I was informed that she was called up by a guy, who told her on the phone, something that goes "I like you, I want to go around with you, what I REALLY want, is to sleep with you".
I stopped talking to that guy a long time back.
There are a total of two people who I've stopped talking to.
There is one girl who stopped talking to me.
That was because I wrote stuff about her in my blog.
I am really sorry.
She has started talking to me again.
This blog is very dear to me,Honest.
Please comment after reading, thank you.
So here is the point where I will copy paste a yahoo chat.Parts of it.
Its between me and a 4.am online friend.
4.am online friend: any new stuff you got?
me: stuff=what?
4.am online friend: songs etc?
me: not really, couldn't listen to music only
me: sound card had gone awry
4.am online friend: why not?
4.am online friend: whooooa
4.am online friend: you HAVE a sound card?
me: errr..I am sorry, extremely sorry for this asshole-ish statement..I dont really know whether i have a sound card. I mean I don't know what a sound card is for that matter.Just that I had some problem in listening to music and someone [online] told me that probably my sound card has gone awry..I really dont know what is the ral situation.
me: real*
4.am online friend : ok
4.am online friend: I can understand your frustration.
so thats that.
another thing I wanted to post.
The train of thought inside my head, while I am traveling by the metro.
Damn this compartment is stuffed. Nice perfume fumes though.Did I spray the deo today?.Thank god I did.Do I have a notebook, thank God I do. Ooooooh, I have extra pens today. I will not give them over to people who do not have anything to write with, in class. they always jhapofy the nice ones.
Shit, I am late for class.What Do I tell the professor?the train was late.Wait, would he know?or should I tell him that I was traveling by bus and there was a traffi.... O MY God, that guy is cute.
Is my hair ok? aah, ok. Nice guy. Office going.I mean an office-going cute guy.Damn, he must be committed.Gay.both.ok, why am I thinking like this?.am I really that frustrated? No I am not. So no thinking about the cute guy. Though theres no reason why I should stop staring.Exactly why do I have this book open in my lap? Ok, when I opened it, I did NOT know there'll be a cute guy. Office going cute guy. Nowadays, all the cute guys in the metro happen to be my juniors in college. Damn I am in third year. Damn I am late for class. I should stop mulling over the late for class thingy. I mean there's nothing to do right. I am inside a metro for God's sake.and I am not driving the train. Plus its only human to be late. Awright, I am late, I am not a driver.I am human. I am staring at a cute guy. His cell phone is not that flashy though. I like it. Oh, God. One more station to go. Then a long long walk. Me staring at a cute guy. OH MY! cute guy staring back at me. Is my hair ok? Tall aunty staring at me. Tall aunty staring at the cute guy. Tall aunty staring at me staring at the cute guy. Tall aunty will also get down in this station.Cute guy will also get down in this station Quick! stand up, do NOT let tall aunty stand beside Cute guy. Ok, now I am standing beside Cute guy. Cute guy standing beside me. So happy I am. Happiness is short lived. The station is here. The cute guy will get down, go away, for ever and ever. The train has stopped. Damn, I have to get down before the cute guydoes. That means I can't follow him. What is WITH the rush. oh, God I can't see the cute guy anymore. sniff.
SHIT, I am late for class.
Damn this compartment is stuffed. Nice perfume fumes though.Did I spray the deo today?.Thank god I did.Do I have a notebook, thank God I do. Ooooooh, I have extra pens today. I will not give them over to people who do not have anything to write with, in class. they always jhapofy the nice ones.
Shit, I am late for class.What Do I tell the professor?the train was late.Wait, would he know?or should I tell him that I was traveling by bus and there was a traffi.... O MY God, that guy is cute.
Is my hair ok? aah, ok. Nice guy. Office going.I mean an office-going cute guy.Damn, he must be committed.Gay.both.ok, why am I thinking like this?.am I really that frustrated? No I am not. So no thinking about the cute guy. Though theres no reason why I should stop staring.Exactly why do I have this book open in my lap? Ok, when I opened it, I did NOT know there'll be a cute guy. Office going cute guy. Nowadays, all the cute guys in the metro happen to be my juniors in college. Damn I am in third year. Damn I am late for class. I should stop mulling over the late for class thingy. I mean there's nothing to do right. I am inside a metro for God's sake.and I am not driving the train. Plus its only human to be late. Awright, I am late, I am not a driver.I am human. I am staring at a cute guy. His cell phone is not that flashy though. I like it. Oh, God. One more station to go. Then a long long walk. Me staring at a cute guy. OH MY! cute guy staring back at me. Is my hair ok? Tall aunty staring at me. Tall aunty staring at the cute guy. Tall aunty staring at me staring at the cute guy. Tall aunty will also get down in this station.Cute guy will also get down in this station Quick! stand up, do NOT let tall aunty stand beside Cute guy. Ok, now I am standing beside Cute guy. Cute guy standing beside me. So happy I am. Happiness is short lived. The station is here. The cute guy will get down, go away, for ever and ever. The train has stopped. Damn, I have to get down before the cute guydoes. That means I can't follow him. What is WITH the rush. oh, God I can't see the cute guy anymore. sniff.
SHIT, I am late for class.
sniff. no i dont have a cold.neither am i gay. its a sniff. a good sniff. the kind you give after smelling justfromtheoven hot buns in the bakery. coz this blog is gooooooooooood. fresh. and very 4amish. the stuff that makes me proud to have ady as me friend. and then silently bite my tongue when she prods me for a comment. and since i bit my tongue, i`m talking with a lispy baby accent. bugger i digressed.as i said, its gooooooood. great post by the bloggie, ady . dream on
Oh the cute guy. Are you sure its not very desperate? I do it all the time and I was beginning to think I must be one totally frustrated girl. Thank you for reinstating my faith in me. Or at least letting me know I am not the only one.
And what is with cute guys being juniors? How no one in my year is cute and every junior is a hunk? I hate being a senior.
Holy crap! I took the train yesterday too, and I never do it. And I was 27 mins late too after going up random hills in the City I shouldn't have climbed. And on the way back, my middleclassness refused to allow me to buy a ticket, which meant that I had to act sedated everytime the train employee passed by and display objects like ipods and laptops to prove my decent financial standing and hide things like the book I was reading and my backpack so as not to pass off as a penniless student.
u know what could be a goooood excuse for coming late to class :
"sir my friend called me at 1 A.M and asked me to comment on her blog..then i got really menatlly active and had to update my own blog and in the process couldnt sleep/slept late ..so got up late and therefore am late for class..its not my fault sir..she is the one who should be thrown "
happened to me once:P
OK here is another comment added but not for just ANOTHER post. Your blog is not JUST ANOTHER blog. And you are not JUST ANOTHER person.
I wish that you would meet cute guy again and no tall Aunty to mess around this time. :D
You're the best in your category..
Here's wishing you a new cute find on your next trip...
nunkuda...hee hee....and the name lives on.... so i have this general question.... how many ppl are in your head at one time :O........train ride ta serious ride chilo.... pretty fast too!
Between the tides and double wides, she'd always stop to dream. For sometimes, it's the quiet ones who grow up to scream!
wish granted. :D
here!another generous blogger commenting eventhough the comments have already reached the targetted 12 mark.
no,seriously,i mean this totally has been a recall.happenned to me way back when i was in school.cute guys were perpetually junior to me and i would ogle long enough to make him realise he is being leched at.and aunties are always such a pain.
my university is only a stones throw from my place and hence the walk from home to Uni is mosly insipid.
Awwwwwww,that was soooo sweeet of u.!!!...
*am blushing*
But seriously,too many thoughts in your mind...!!.. :-)
That's "cute". :)
i dont think u have to worry bout comments anymore. i dont see u falling short of them.
anyways keep up the good work [blogging]
i am meself commenting after a long time..
shit this comment seems more like a scrap..
but wat the hell
it still counts, doesn't it?
You inspire me to post more. Keep it up!
Oh, BTW, I'm changing blogs, this is the new one now : http://spikedeinstein.wordpress.com/
Hi rabbit (atleast thats what your zodiac year says) !!!!
Loved the post like anyhting !!!
And the 5 minutes of random thinking in the metro even more...
And jhapofying pens !!!! Tell me why do girls bring extra pens??? cant figure out why..they are the ones who write the notes complete and neat and with atlest 4-5 different colour pens
And craving for comments ...I remember having made my fren to forcefully comment on my first ever post....(No, i wont say there was no looking back)....today i'm also havin comments enough for survival !!!
P.S: My blogs waitn for comments too/... you can check it up !!!
k..bye for now, life blogger...hav blogrolled you..will watch you updated !!!
Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net(www.provedorcrescenet.com) no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet(www.provedorcrescenet.com) in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.
19 friggin comments...shit 20 now!
One is spam. So here is 20th :D
Wow! Is that a new record? The highest I have ever got on any post is 8. Ever!
And yes.. Nunkuda was my first reader too. I think he deserves a separate blogpost only.
And that account of you and the cute guy.. Makes me sooo nostalgic. I'm an office-going type girl.. how come i meet no cute office-going type guys?
well well.. I guess this is not just you but all girls in general.. only u have the guts to write about it though as all other women do not want the world to know what they are thinking..
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