I don't know.
I have no idea.
Now those sweet little words you see up there, they are fast becoming my convenient answer to most things around. for example,
1> Whats wrong with your phone?
2> So what plans?
3> Have you wondered where your (pseudo) 'relationship' is going?
4> What do you feel like having for dinner?
5> How do you feel after coming back to Bombay?
6> Do you like the rains?
7> What do you think about prostitution ?
8> What do you feel?
9> How do you feel?
10> What do you think?
11> Do you feel?
12> How?
13> You think?
14> why?
etc etc etc...you know , and the list goes on and on and ON.
So for the updates.
My phone is not working....because it got drenched in water...how? I don't remember. I think I was sloshed and was taking a bath after puking....well..there was this song playing from the film Dev.D in which Abhay Deol, high on rum and thumbs up had just about put his head inside a bucket full of water. I felt like doing the same...because I was also high on rum and thumbs up. I think the phone was somewhere around in the picture and well...its not working. Not switching on. I will have to say I kind of like it. I am not that much of a phone person. The best use that I've made of my phone has been to record myself singing and then invariably ending up trying to convince people that its ME who is singing. Anyway...
So I like having gone incommunicado. Not that people ae dying to get in touch with me...still. Nobody knows what I am up to. And anyway...in this entire stretch of two months that I spent at home in Calcutta I was so disoriented I dint feel like talking to anybody. In real I mean. Online communication is a different game all together.
And the first time in 22 years I had what I can call a very "uneventful" birthday. Like there was a time when birthdays used to be a big deal. Like the BIG of the biggest deals. Things change. And quite surprisingly one is so okay with the change.
Like I never thought I would even think about quitting smoking. (refer to the last post :|)...but now I am. Thinking. Not quitting.
Also, having cheesecake for dinner. Did I EVER think I would have just cheesecake for dinner? Yes I did. Think. Not have.
So now I've had it too.
Anyway, so Today is my "interview".
See if I pass with flying colours, I will get to be second assistant director for a comedy show on TV
So, please pray. :)
So long.
Welcome to the uneventful birthday club....i have it every year... :)
And ok,will pray and do well do well :D
Abhay Deol used to have vodka with thumbs up. But rum with thumbs up is way better :P More so if the rum is old monk :D
And ah, all the best for the interviews :)
Found my way here from "edge of chaos' and stayed because i can relate to you on certain things (like talking to yourself!).
'I don't know' is my favourite sentence or says my better(bitter)half.
And hope you landed the job.
let us know the results...
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