Friday, January 1, 2010

Ting ting ti ting.

Happy new year to awl and sundry.
Tis' a blissful time of the year and I have converted myself into what I always wanted to be. Independent modern woman who attends parties and consistently finds herself in a state of inebriation one way or the other. Fuck that. Make it independent modern woman with bad spelling. I could not even get the spelling of independent correct the first time.

So now that I have become this party-hopper who drinks vodka with orange juice and travels from Andheri to Bandra(stoned) in an auto(stoned) just for doughnuts(stoned,totally)......... okay...digression ahead---->

Do you know how amazing doughnuts are? They are just.... I don't know what to say...somebody please put some words into my mouth...actually...please put some doughnuts into my mouth...make them milk chocolate with black currant jelly flavored.

Anyway, so I admit. Here is my admittance, my confession, out there in front of you, on your face, wrapped in a gift paper with shiny little doughnuts printed all over. I am a changed person. There is something about my ...whats the word... gait...that has changed tremendously. I am less responsible, less scared of cats and crossing roads, less bothered about things like blackheads and dandruff and whatever and yeah now I am the kind of person who's got these prominent collar bones. Not that i dint have collar bones before, just that I seem to have lost weight and well yeah.

I just realized, I have nothing else to say. Or well, I could tell you about the first time I got stoned alone and I played with lights and colour and sounds and taste(doughnuts) and I played with myself sewing together all thoughts with a heavily changed perspective and making this amazing doughnut out of what usually is my slow functional brain.
Thats it. Now I know. You know when you read autobiographical books and there are these years which are ....randomly...for example...for some guy Philip...the year 1984 was the year of his homecoming as a war hero, when he returned in his muddy soldier attire adorned with many a stars and his eyes dull with the cloud of smoke he had just left behind at the barracks.....okay..before i get too much into the character...what I was saying..The year 2010, for Dreamy will be marked as the year when doughnuts became her new cheesecake.

Cheers to that. Happy new year to everybody!


Unknown said...

no doughnuts... just a helluva lotta 'fruit punch'... still have a mild headache... i think i know what you mean, or maybe i just think i think i know what you mean... but, nevertheless - happy new year. hic!

btw, nice post! :-)

ad libber said...

Are you talking about Mad over Donuts? Because I think I dream about them sometimes. Especially After Eight.

Happy New Year.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

you must be talking about Mad Over Donuts....double troubleeeeee!!!!
ooooh,i orgasm every time i eat it!!!

Llama said...

Doughnuts are such wonderful creatures that even the ones at CCD rock. :)

Btw.. I always somehow pictured you as surrounded by fat, lazy, purring cats. Would've never have expected you to be scared of 'em.

Anonymous said...

i loved all ur post specially ur tags....

Anonymous said...

Aaah the wonderful doughnuts of MOD...though I have never tried the black currant one...

Kitkat said...

Heyya..m not a fan of doughnuts though, but like the way u write..gr8 work...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such articles. I love to read stories like that. Just add some pics :)