When the roof fell down (in my absence) right just above what was "my" corner in the one room kitchen something place in Bandra, I thought, "Cannot get worse than this."
But then of course I was staying with this old and understandably frustrated woman who happened to be my aunt and who happened to have a lot of problem in letting me use the loo to do my poo peacefully in the morning. She debarred me from using more than half a bucket of water and I cannot, for the life of me get over with the number two business with just half a bucket. So there was a time when I'd decided going to Infinity Mall to do my morning business was rather more comforting.
Then there was this phase when my roommate's psychotic ex-lover would come over and they would have fights in Assamese and its far more frustrating than people fighting in say...Malyalam..because I would understand zilch out of it...But Assamese I understand in bits ..so its rather ugly when my roommate hits the guy with an iron rod (there is an iron rod at the place where I live) and the kid starts shouting (my roommate happens to be a single mother) and the psychotic lover bends down on his knees and asks the kid whether he can be her "Daddy" ..to which the kid sneers and says "You don't really have 1)money 2)good looks 3)a car or a 4)proper house (people who live in one room mhada flats never seem to consider their rooms a proper house and truly so because a room is a room and not a proper house) ...so you cant be my Daddy"
To this, the guy starts wailing and my room mate hits him again and he says that he will bugger off only we give him back his TV. To this my room mate and her kid's maid (Yes, I live with a room mate, her kid and the kid's maid in a one room something) start the arduous process of unplugging the TV and packing it into a carton box after emptying the contents of the carton, by which time the psychotic ex-lover whimpers off only to leave my room mate and the maid start the arduous process of taking the tv out of the carton and plug it properly back to its place. Then there is peace.
But what exactly makes the loo my peace haven?
Last night I made joints inside the loo, smoked up and washed my clothes. Oh what a time I had. The whole bathroom was COVERED with detergent soap bubbles and was inexplicably nice smelling. On top of that I shampooed my hair. More bubbles. After kicking around and frolicking in the fun times of being stoned inside an overtly bubble-filled bathroom, I emerged smelling nice with wet dripping hair like some kind of a Goddess of freshness.
omg like seriously
haha,crazy shit!!
btw,i use the office loo too cuz its clean,nice smelling and ..ermm...white. :|
Very funny...are you sure the kid said all that to the madcap lover? Really?
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