I have never done this before. Two posts back to back within a span of half an hour. Are you happy now? dear blog?
I have decided it has been enough of grey clolour tones and murky posts about the rain and the wetting of my eye-lashes and suchlike. I am a happy person and even if the guy I was in love with turns out to be an alien who went back to his planet, I refuse to become all grey and murky.
*pats herself*
Anyway, I got myself a bright new pink zoozoo Tee. It is just adorable.
I need to buy some clothes u know
I don't have many funny / intelligent even stupid comments to make nowadays...i have just become lame
But I vuv you nonetheless.
i still dont have a zoozoo tee..i am ancient.. :(
Cheers! :D
I looooooooooooovvvvvvvveee the new look
Yeah the the extra vs and es told u about the newfound lameness
OK, too much about the alien guy. It is about time you tell us clueless people what happened.
*pats u too* :)
be yellow like that sunflower, forever. :)
Wow the design of the blog has remarkably changed since the last time I was here. It has the color of the sunset on a tundra on a desolate martian landscape.
That is all!
Oh yeah, making posts like how your pyramidal, poking tummy makes you look like you're preggers, makes for uncomfortable lapses in comments from your regular readers. Reason it has a grand total of 2 comments. Just sayin'.
But I'm glad to see that you're still pushing the boundaries of your fortitude to continue with this blog. That is an accomplisment in itself.
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