Sometimes at work, during brief moments of relentless exhaustion, I look up and stop short. I stop short to gaze at the beauty and vastness of it all. The sky changes its character with every hour of the day. Many a times, I have noticed vultures circling around against the milky blue of a sky at dusk. Vultures making merry. Flying about. Celebrating their mighty and pompous wings. Shrieking with joy. Their shrill laughter against the softness of clouds.
And later at night I used to prop myself up on the windowsill. My mind flapping about in a haze of smoke. My eyes red with the dope and the tears. The sky would be a velvety black. The clouds all mighty and gregarious. Prepared to burst forth. The wind making them restless beyond repair. And suddenly from amidst layers of silky angry clouds, would emerge a pale yellow imperfect round shape. The moon. Haggard. Beaten. Withered. But shining still. Fighting the clouds.
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