Thursday, October 22, 2009


I was going through my blog archives and whoa! Its like looking at me in retrospect, growing down bit by bit. I used to be so very worldly wise.

As a kid, I had problems galore. But I was wise enough to foresee the good times ahead. Of course I did not see myself getting sloshed on the beach in the afternoon somewhere in a sleepy little town three hours away from Bombay. I did not see myself so very happily emotionally attached to my long hair. I did not know my nose would find its lovely nose-pin and would live happily forever. I did not see myself going without a bath/dinner for two days. I did not know I would have to travel in an auto on the glistening Bombay roads at three in the morning.

Digression from the main theme ---->

I still remember how amazing it used to be.Three in the morning. To be dead tired. To come out of the office and not get an auto and walk on the ghostly Veera Desai Road for twenty minutes and then finally get one and get on it, sit, rest my head on the imprinted occasional Ajay Devgans and Kareena Kapoors of the interior decoration of some auto, which by the way looks divine by the orange street light which drops in a bit inside the auto as the driver races with the wind, takes a sharp right turn, and I catch my breath because I see the grey-black sea of Juhu against the same orange street lights which fascinate me so.

Anyway, so I did not exactly see the niceties that life had in store but I knew twas all out there.
Having said that, I was also largely aware of the not-so-niceties that life had in store and I take them as they come. People call me laid-back, chilled-out, immature, lazy, happy. Is it difficult? I don't understand why it is so damn difficult for some people to be happy. Like if you step on a muddy puddle and dirty your jeans why can't you just look up, throw away your umbrella and make eye contact with the sky and look at the raindrops as they come. You can always curse the weather and crib about it later.

But look who is talking. Hah.
Me who keeps compaining about the one room flat and the humidity and money.
God, money.
It can change who you are.
Happens with me nowadays. I keep missing out on the favorite parts of songs because I keep finding myself fretting too much about the future.

That's why I liked this film so much.

It reminded me of me. Made me feel good about procrastination. Made me feel good about not having studied for most of the exams that came my way. Made me feel good about not knowing how to cook. Made me feel good about wasting away millions of minutes on marine drive. Made me feel good about being the kind of person who likes to click pictures of her feet.


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Wake up,dreamy???...
kirom ironic isnt it?

Giridhar said...

"..just look up, throw away your umbrella and make eye contact with the sky and look at the raindrops as they come."

You just changed the way i look at life.

Thanks dreamy!.. =)

debajyoti said...

this makes me happy... life around is so interesting... and so full... u r cool :)

Anonymous said...

there comes a time in peoples lives , when the most ordinary things mean so much, and the smaller things in life mean so much, i hope that makes sense, considering its 3a in the morning, when im writing this..........

coffee stain said...
