Just think a little and then think a lot and then finally you might just come to the conclusion that the title makes absolutely no sense.
But random-ity is what makes life worth living right? So Here goes.
I have no money. The colour pink generally brings happiness to my soul. I feel like having sickeningly sweet doi Machh. I have chipped nails which are looking so very ugly you cannot imagine. I wish I was a short girl. If there is one person out there who has been getting my soulful love for years now but is darn pretty ignorant of it, it has to be A.R.Raman. Its not admiration. Its not awe. I am not your everyday two-penny fan. Its love. Pure love. True love.
The studio that is the set for this comedy daily that I work for is on a road which is very very dirty. Which is largely due to the fact that there is this huge garbage dump point (yes, on a main road) right next to it. But once you come inside the compound, its ...well different. The first thing that might catch your attention is this jail-house building of sorts. Its a set. It looks very very real. The other day I was leaning on one of the walls inside the building, and my pen accidentally tapped against the apparent grey stone wall. Whoa! I was suddenly reminded of all those Nancy Drew novels where people would tap on walls to find them "hollow" and then they would go on to discover that there is a secret passage hidden. I always used to wonder what it would be like to tap on a wall and find it "hollow". Yes. Dear people, dreams, fantasies and childhood wonders do come true. So the jail house wall ...I dunno felt hollow. It was then that I went on a rampage going on tapping on all the walls visible to figure out that the entire building was actually wooden. (like duh). But what I am trying to say is that, its all so make-believe. Nothing is real and yet so many people watch these daily soaps/films/ads and they believe in them. I understand that is because so much effort goes into making the sets look like real. But then, at the end of the day, its like...its cheating.
But all's good as long as its for a good cause. And I have started believing in the slapstick that the show churns out. First of all, its actually funny. I think the editing and the sad sound effects take away a lot from the funniness, but then to see it happen from scratch, to read the script, brief the actors, help them change into their get-ups, witness then learning the lines and then finally to be awed at how much these actors improvise and forget the comedy, to realize how much life they bring into a simple script. And its so damn funny watching everyone from the sound guys to the spot guys to the director struggling hard to stifle their laughter while the take is going on.
So I've come to the conclusion that even if the pay is lesser than the smallest peanut you can imagine and the Oh-God-How-will-I-survive type of depressing thoughts that crawl into the back of my mind the first thing as I wake up in the morning, I guess its worth it.
Its worth it.
Nancyh Drew....sigh:)
This post made me smile. Thank you :)
And by any chance, is this Chandivli studio you're working at? I worked in the office complex next to it for two years. Besh dirty that para is too.
have u been watching too many reruns of The Matrix!
It is very interesting for me to read that post. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
Likely is not present
been hovering around the blogosphere this morning... this was a cool piece of work... i'm smiling... thanks... :-)
There is something similar?
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Yes, thanks
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