Saturday, October 16, 2010

This one's called The Mango Rabari.

Continuing with my obsession with mangoes, this Pujo has been just like one full bati of mango rabari; refrigerated and just bloody divine.

I've been making up for all those days of living on cold and chewy rice and weird smelling chicken for lunch and the fucking obnoxious misl-paav for nashta. This is sooooooo good. I've had aloor dom and doi machh and fish fries and egg rolls and BEST of all I had tetor Daal after like what? Ten thousand years!
And plus all I have to do is get myself inside a pandal and pretend that I am in Calcutta. Its just the same. I was not even the slightest bit aware that there are these many Bengalis in Bombay.

Feels good.

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