Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long Due.

Somebody please tell me how to go back to the good old blogging days. Of sleepless nights of blog digging. Of catty conversations with interested strangers. Of making friends and living it by. My virtual life has skipped a beat. Has gone slightly amiss.

My real life is a roaring glory. Earlier I used to feel this need to blog. To make a tamasha out of mundane real life activities. To sort of decorate....invigorate my dull passive existence with words and some more words and yet some more spare words. I don't feel that need anymore. Therefore, I do not blog anymore.

But today, I celebrate the coming back to life of my blogging instincts. Its just like the good old times. I feel this strange need to hold the good times that I am living. I feel the need to jot it down.

Many many moons ago I used to sort of envy this woman. I used to think she has this fantastic life. Twenty something. Single in the city. Adventures, men, boys, sexcapades, alcohol, music, clothes, cosmetics etc etc etc and a lot more.

Suddenly, I feel like as if I have this life. Plus there is a LOT more than just Adventures, men, boys, sexcapades, alcohol, music, clothes, cosmetics etc etc etc.

Like for example this happened to me some few days back.

As I frantically pressed the lift button, calling the lift to my aid, because I frantically needed to go buy cigarettes...why? because there was a party happening in the next half hour and it was two in the afternoon and guess what? I had not defecated since morning and I just had to somehow get done with the number two business and how...just how was I supposed to do that without a cigarette?

The lift came up to my floor. The couple standing inside checked me out morosely and waited for me to press whatever button I wanted to press. And there you go. The lift had stopped working. The man tried to channelize his macho energy to somehow magically make the lift work. The woman kept staring at me morosely...and the truth friends...we were all stuck inside the lift.

Then, the man turned, and asked me .."Have you had a bath today?" I swear, this is exactly what he asked me. Then he went on to explain his casual question by adding "no, I mean the lift stopped working just when you came"

I wasn't smelling. I had put on perfume. That is exactly what you should do if you have gone without a bath for more than a day.

So anyway I really dont know why I am still going on with this story when clearly I am doing nothing more than making myself look like some kind of a dirty bell-bottomed orange hippie. Like someone who has not had a bath and has sprinkled perfume to cover it up. Okay. This is it. I shall end my post right here right now.

My next post is going to be this poetic rant about how only [middle-aged] women check me out and compliment me nowadays.


Anonymous said...

tui parish o bote :)!!
but thats u i guess!
very amusing indeed..wonder y u had to return 2 blogging n post abt this incident if ur life is goin so gr8!

the girl with a zillion namesakes said...

Very interesting this nice sex and the city kinda life. :D