Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunny side up

When I was going through that dizzy, confusing phase when you are unemployed and you are hoping that you will get out of it soon; yet you can't get out of that sickening state of feeling empty and vulnerable because you have nothing to do; no timetable to follow; no workplace to reach at some specified time during the day; no expectations to live up to; yet its that kind of a phase when you know you might lose the freedom of waking up whenever you want to and no rush at some Godforsaken point of time to reach some Godforsaken place and you know you should probably revel in that state of emptiness because you practically have no work at all because when you do get a job, you will be looking back at these days and thinking....Ah well...should have worried less and made good use of the free time on hands....
Although why I am I writing about this now....completely beats me.

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